
Showing posts from December, 2017

didupe falls

Written on : 03-dec-2017 Visted During : november 2017 Some basic Information There are 3 falls in a span of 10-15 kms distance and all 3 are wonderful. Bandaje abbi, Didupe Falls and Ermai falls lie in the base of Charmadi Ghat and are worth visiting. No 1st hand info on Bandaje Abbi. More details on those will be added once visited. Do not go during heavy rainy season since it will not be possible to reach the falls. Also, do not visit during Summers since the water flow will be very low. (Nil at times) Both the water falls' are getting into the 'known' zone of travellers of late and minimum information is available in internet. Hence - How to reach? answered in 2 sentences. Ujire is the nearest town and didupe is 23 kms from Ujire. Take Charmadi road and in Somanthadka take a deviation. Ask for villagers to guide since no sign boards are available. You will need to trek ~2 kms to reach the falls. My Experience and Opinion Didupe Falls Didupe falls is a str...